Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

I have made progress teaching Evy to go to the bathroom outside. For the most part though, we are just bonding. I think she might have been pinned up for the most part previously, so I want her to get used to me. That's the fun part anyway. Evy loves the attention and the belly rubs.

Another matter is her name. Her name, Evy, came naturally, thinking about my mom. She would have loved the little pup. Gonzales was also easy as that turned out after 50 years to have actually been my mom's maiden name, not Merrell, my grandfather's mother's maiden name he adopted in 1935.

Of course, for such an extraordinary animal, that was not enough. My Uncle Bill has been a corrupting influence in my life. He is assisting me in my effort to become an alcoholic. He introduced me recently to one of his favorite drinks, Drambuie, which is a rich golden brown color. Evy's coloring is very reminiscent of the scotch liqueur.

Therefore the name: Evelyn (Evy) Drambuie Gonzales. Pretty impressive name for a Walmart dog.

1 comment:

  1. Gonzalez..........you're not giving Evy any of that Drambuie are you? Great picture of the little girl!
